Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

How do I track my order?

Please refer to the page Track My Order on our site and enter the Tracking Number which will be sent to you later on.

Please note that it can sometimes take up to 10 business days for your tracking information to start updating after your order has been shipped. Please don’t be alarmed, your order is on its way!

I want cancel my order?

When you placed an order, you will have 24 hours to contact our Customer Service and request a Cancellation or Modification.

Please include all the detail concerning the order such as: order number, style, size and color. Then, specify the item you would like to Cancel or Modify. Email us and we will make ourselves useful.

After 24 hours, the production will be started so we apologize that the order is irrevocable.

How long will delivery take?

Production Time: 10-15 business days. This bedding set is made-to-order so the production time will be a little bit longer than usual. Please be patient.

Shipping Time: 3-6 business days

My package is lost!

If your item was not arrived within the past 45 days for apparel products and 60 days for home decor products, shoes, boots, luggage covers, car seat covers, hooded blankets and bags, please Contact Us, we will help you track your item down!

I have not received my Confirmation Email!

Please double check your email in Spam and Junk, if you use Google Mail, please view the All Mail folder, it should be there.

Still cannot find it? Please do not panic, simply Contact Us, we will make everything right!

What about the materials?

Of course, High Quality ones!

To be very honest, our price is not low, that is because we force ourselves to use the highest quality material in order to maintain our customer’s satisfaction. In another hand, our price is not high as well because we are sacrificing our profit margin to get the best offers for our clients!

The details of the material is specified in the description of every product, please have a look!

Send us an email

For any questions regarding our products or for assistance with your order, please email [email protected] and you should get a response within 1 business day.

If you are emailing about your order, please make sure to include the order number or the email address used at checkout in your message. Thank you!